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Objectives And Core Values And Guide Principles

Organizational Overall Objectives

In support of our vision and mission, FIA has the following organization objectives:

  • To enhance the capacity of Women, children, adolescent, youth, elders and people with disability to access for resource, services and information to foster their participation, representation and decision making in household and local structure institutions to bring behavioral change.
  • To create and promote access, availability and quality of basic social services for Women, children, adolescent, youth, elders and people with disability to lead a positive life.
  • To minimize and mitigate the occurrence and magnitude of human disasters through identification, analysis, designing and implementation of early warning of perils and respond to humanitarian needs
  • Ensure the sustainable development of the society using proper environmental protection, utilization and administration practice.
  • To foster a stable living condition among the society and promote local peaceful conflict resolution modality to address norms and structures that causes violence.

 Core Values

FIA bases its work on fundamental values that are timeless, right, and true. The key values are highlighted here:

  • Partnership and collaboration: FIA strongly believes that development can be achieved and effectively sustained only through partnership among different actors including government, civil society organizations, the private sector and the community at large. Collaboration among those organizations is a key to moving towards achieving common development goals. 
  • Transparency and accountability: FIA has a strong faith in enhancing and maintaining transparency in its operation and utilization of resources. It will continue to be open in its relationship with all its stakeholders. Similarly, FIA recognizes its legal, ethical and social obligations and accepts its accountability. It will consistently work towards strengthening and streamlining its organizational and operational systems and practices to enable it meet its accountability requirements from members, donors, government, the community, and all its partners.
  • Empowerment: FIA is cognizant of the fact that lasting and sustained positive change in the lives of disadvantaged people can be attained only when they are able to speak for themselves and when society works together to respect all individuals. FIA puts the empowerment of the community at the center of its principles and actions.
  • Sustainability and Ownership: FIA highly values that sustainability and build owning manner of its interventions and their impacts are a key to the achievement of its mission.
  • Integration: FIA beliefs on pursue integrated intervention strategies to attain the maximum effect of positive changes of development.
  • Volunteerism: FIA acknowledge effort done by people who choose to do it without forced by factor based on only humanitarianism.

Guide principles

FIA mainly beliefs on the following steer principles through the intervention of its actions.

Aligned to international commitments and national strategies

  • Participatory
  • Non-discriminatory
  • Focused on results
  • Inclusion, Equity and equality
  • Decentralization (ADP)
  • Continuous learning organization
  • Voice of voiceless
  • Effective and efficiency
  • People Centered/Relationship


Objectives And Core Values And Guide Principles

Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future.